U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines Used to Determine Financial Eligibility for Certain Federal Programs

The poverty guidelines are issued each year in the Federal Register by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The guidelines are a simplification of the poverty thresholds for use for administrative purposes — for instance, determining financial eligibility for certain federal programs. For more information regarding the federal poverty guidelines, visit ASPE.HHS.GOV

NOTE: Programs within Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation may differ with their definition of “family”, countable income and other factors. Each program has individual income eligibility guidelines. Please refer to individual programs for further income information.

Annual income can be proven by Federal Income Tax Form, Social Security Statement, Form 1099s.
Monthly income can be proven by payroll check stubs, bank statements, or other proof that shows your current gross income.

Current Federal Poverty Guidelines can be found below.


Agency Appreciations

“Thank you for your fabulous work with the Decorah community & surrounding areas. All of you truly embody the spirit of hope & change people’s lives to not only help themselves but to encourage & help those around them. At a time when our country needs love & compassion, you & your staff deserve a well-deserved BRAVO.”
Rachel Buresh
KD Rae Jewelry


Embrace Iowa

“Embrace Iowa helped our family be getting us a stove. The stove we had was hazardous. When we would cook on it, it would stink the whole house up. Also, it leaked underneath the stove. That stove was so small that my two year old son could see inside the pan without standing on anything. Now, with our new stove we can cook without smelling anything or without cleaning up a leaky mess. Thanks so much for our new stove. We really appreciated it.”
Fayette County Resident


Dynamic Partnerships

“St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School have been pleased to be working with NEICAC. They have been a wonderful partner and resource for those individuals and families in our communities who are in need of support and assistance. We have been able to assist this organization with money for utilities, shelter, transportation, food, and other help. They also provide for emergency medical and dental services as well as mental health services for those who do not have the means to access those services on their own. St Paul’s considers the Northeast Iowa Community Action Corportation to be a vital part of our community.”
Ron Zell - Director or Administration, St. Paul's Lutheran Church & School


EARL Public Transit

“The reason I choose EARL is that the Drivers are Nice and that I want to Ride the transit because I like to see new faces every time I ride. They help me get around to where I need to go. I get along with the Transit Drivers and the passengers.”

NEICAC EARL Public Transit Rider