NEICAC’s Single Family Rental program has 3 rental units in Northeast Iowa, including 2 units in Maynard and a house in Strawberry Point. Each unit has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and an attached garage. Our Oelwein Duplex has a 2 bedroom, single bath unit and a 4 bedroom, two bath unit. Both units have an attached single stall garage.
To apply for housing, click the box below and compete the application for each adult member in the household. Please submit the completed application to [email protected] or mail to ATTN: HOUSING, PO Box 487, Decorah, IA 52101
“The reason I choose EARL is that the Drivers are Nice and that I want to Ride the transit because I like to see new faces every time I ride. They help me get around to where I need to go. I get along with the Transit Drivers and the passengers.”